What to expect on SundaySunday at St. Stephen's
All faiths have a different feel in their worship services. Our worship is based on ancient patterns of prayer, and they might feel unfamiliar at first. This page might help set you at ease when you visit us. Sunday is traditionally when Episcopalians gather for worship. The principal weekly worship service is the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Lord’s Supper, the Divine Liturgy, or Holy Communion. Eucharist is simply the Greek word for 'thanksgiving.' [Learn more about Holy Eucharist] Welcome to St. Stephen's! When you arrive, you enter through red doors on the north side of the building under the portico. Or follow other's arriving, they'll make sure you get to the right place. You may sit wherever you like and feel free to participate at whatever level you feel comfortable. If you'd like to sit and watch and take it all in, that's okay too!
The Rite One Holy Eucharist Service is at 8:30 am in the Holy Spirt Chapel. This service is a traditional spoken service (no music) in an intimate setting using the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP). The Rite Two Holy Eucharist Service is at 10:30 am in the sanctuary. This worship service, also, comes from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP). From the BCP, we have created a worship booklet (available in the pew rackets) to follow the service. Page numbers from the BCP will be called out for our friends viewing on YouTube. Our ushers are available to answer questions, help with directions and hand out the weekly bulletin insert and other information. Children are welcome to worship with us. There is, however, a Children's Sunday School that meets for the first part of the worship service for ages 3 years old through 5th grade. They meet at 10:30 am in our Sunday School rooms for lessons and activities. They join the service to share communion with their parents. Please ask an usher to show you the way if you would like your young ones to hang out with the other kids. When children join us in the "big church," they are invited to sit on rugs at the front of the sanctuary until it is time to receive Communion and they join their families. In the Episcopal Church, we worship with our whole beings. Times to stand, sit, or kneel are indicated throughout the worship booklet. A (+) appears in places where it is customary to make the sign of the cross. Many feel called to bow at the name of Jesus. It is the posture of our hearts that shows reverence to God. Therefore, please worship with as much or as little movement as you feel comfortable. You are welcome in this place as a beloved Child of God no matter what. Music is played on the organ or piano, sometimes with special music, solos or other instruments. St. Stephen's choir sings September through May and once monthly during the summer. The choir offers special pieces of music called anthems. The congregation is invited to sing hymns and participates with parts of the service. The liturgy is Holy Eucharist, which is basically two parts: a service of The Word and a service Thanksgiving at the altar. During the first part, we sing, listen to readings from the Bible, and join in prayers. The second part is communion, when the priest leads the people in a prayer of thanksgiving for Christ's work of salvation, and we receive the bread and wine which we believe are Christ's body and blood. Learn more about the structure of the Holy Eucharist. Our Youth Group for 6th - 12th grade meet twice monthly during the school year from noon to 2 pm on the lower level in the Youth Room, lunch is provided. Ushers will be happy to direct you. |
Guests Start Here
What to expect on Sunday Frequently Asked Questions What does Episcopalian mean? Can I receive Communion? Who is the Priest? Who is St. Stephen? |
Worship Styles
Episcopalians worship in many different styles, ranging from very formal, ancient, and multi-sensory rites with singing, music, fancy clothes (called vestments), and candles, to informal services with contemporary music. Yet all worship in the Episcopal Church is based in the Book of Common Prayer, which gives worship a familiar feel, no matter where you go.
Liturgy and Ritual
Worship in the Episcopal Church is said to be liturgical, meaning that the structure of our worship and the prayers that we pray don’t change greatly from week to week. This sameness from week to week gives worship a rhythm that becomes comforting and familiar to the worshipers. Our worship also follows patterns that have been used in Christian worship for centuries, and in countless places, so our worship anchors us to an ancient faith.
The first time you join us, this liturgy may be exhilarating, but it might be confusing. We sit and stand and kneel, we sing and say responses, we sing music that you may not recognize. It can take a little while to "settle in" to the rhythms and patterns of our worship, so give yourself permission to simply be with us.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us and ask!
Episcopalians worship in many different styles, ranging from very formal, ancient, and multi-sensory rites with singing, music, fancy clothes (called vestments), and candles, to informal services with contemporary music. Yet all worship in the Episcopal Church is based in the Book of Common Prayer, which gives worship a familiar feel, no matter where you go.
Liturgy and Ritual
Worship in the Episcopal Church is said to be liturgical, meaning that the structure of our worship and the prayers that we pray don’t change greatly from week to week. This sameness from week to week gives worship a rhythm that becomes comforting and familiar to the worshipers. Our worship also follows patterns that have been used in Christian worship for centuries, and in countless places, so our worship anchors us to an ancient faith.
The first time you join us, this liturgy may be exhilarating, but it might be confusing. We sit and stand and kneel, we sing and say responses, we sing music that you may not recognize. It can take a little while to "settle in" to the rhythms and patterns of our worship, so give yourself permission to simply be with us.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us and ask!